Adam Roth

Bekki Harper, CCFC, FSS

Julie Jakubek, MBA
Past President

Andrew G. Dzurinko, CLU, ChFC
Vice President

Stephen R. Goucher

Barry McBride, CLU, AEP
Senior Board Advisor

Patty A. Chesebrough, CAE
Exec. Vice President
President’s address…
Greetings Fellow Members, Sponsors and Friends:
It is my honor to assume the role as your 2024 President. And, I would like to take this opportunity to offer Past President, Undrea Smith a huge thank you for the last 3 years of incredible leadership.
Undrea, you are amazing!
Now, looking forward, I would like to remind you that ‘we need each other’, and your continued support is more important than ever. As you know, we are facing several issues that are very concerning to our work on behalf of our clients. To name just two, on the Federal forefront, we have the “independent contractor advisor/employee status” issue along with the updated Reg BI1 issue. IFAPAC contributions are needed, along with your involved membership participation; in addition, we have upcoming State legislative issues.
Therefore, we must stand up on behalf of our clients. So, how can you jump in? In this publication, you will see our directors and their assigned association business duties, which include IFAPAC, Government Relations, Community Service along with Programs. Take it from me, membership is so much fun if you participate.
And that leads me to my next invitation…come to our 2024 IN PERSON meetings, you’ll be blown away with content, and blessed with fellowship!
Additionally, I’d like to extend a warm NAIFA AZ welcome to our new members coming from The Society of Financial Service Professionals! NAIFA and the Society merged in 2023.
Finally, and most importantly, thank you for your continued membership support.
Blessings for a wonderful 2024!
Adam Roth
2024 NAIFA-Arizona President
Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors
P.O. Box 4728, Scottsdale, Arizona 85261,
Phone 480.661.6393, Fax 480.661.6743
Website:, E-mail:
Note: Clicking on officers names will create an email to them.
Adam Roth |
Bekki Harper, CCFC, FSS |
Past President
Julie Jakubek, MBS |
Vice President
Andrew G. Dzurinko, CLU, ChFC |
Stephen R. Goucher |
Senior Board Advisor
Barry McBride, CLU, AEP |
Jerlynne L. Davis, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF | |
Programs Chair/LILI
Jerlynne Davis, CLU, ChFC, LUTCF
Membership Chair
Memberships Advisor/Brokerage/Agency(s): |
Barry McBride, CLU, AEP
Community Service
Bekki Harper |
IFAPAC-Arizona Chair
Dwight Loeffler |
IFAPAC-Arizona Treasurer
Lars Hansen |
APIC Chair
Phil Solinsky |
Sponsorship Committee Chair
David Kroll |
Government Relations/Health
Mike Ford |
Young Advisors
Peter Wood |
NAIFA-AZ Says “Thank you!” to its
Sentinel Members
Platinum Member
Julie Jakubek
Undrea Smith
Barry McBride
Judy Aguilar-Smith
Premier Sentinel Members
Kenny Ziegler
Elite Member
Jim Bennett
Tom Hegna
Sentinel Member
David Kroll
Connie McAdams
Dwight Loeffler
Seth Krasne
With a contribution, Sentinel Members receive recognition at all NAIFA-AZ events, as well as in the Who’s Who and on the NAIFA website.
To become a Sentinal Member, call 480-661-6393
Disclaimer – Contributions of gifts to NAIFA-AZ are not tax deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. However, they may be tax deductible under other provisions of the internal revenue code.